the ccmhs workshop trilogy
The Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CCMHS) is a national centre providing sport-informed mental health care and resources to the sport community. The CCMHS rests on 3 pillars of success: Research, Collaborative Care, and Education & Outreach.
An important mandate of the CCMHS is to support the sport community and equip participants across Canada with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate their mental health, mental performance, and any symptoms of mental illness.
Our goal is to empower Canadian coaches to champion the mental and physical wellness of their athletes, while advocating for equity, inclusion, and culturally responsive approaches to mental health promotion and support.
Regardless of the context or level of participation, we believe that sport is a powerful vehicle to create positive experiences and relationships that foster health and wellness throughout the lifespan.
About the Workshops

Maximizing Coach Potential
through the Power of the Mental Triad
You will also learn about your role as a coach in fostering mental health and mental performance, and how you might support athletes in preventing and coping with mental illness symptoms.
Define mental health literacy -
Describe the mental triad & understand the interplay -
Define stigma in sport -
Recognize mental triad signs & symptoms -
Respond to challenges through powerful conversations -
Refer to appropriate practitioners

Powering Coach Wellness & Performance through Self-Care
You will also explore how practising self-care can benefit you and your coaching practice, and what is at risk if self-care is ignored.
Define mental health literacy -
Define self-care and wellness -
Identify coaching stressors and 3 dimensions of burnout -
Perform the 2-Minute Daily Scan -
Perform the 2-Month Audit -
Develop a personalized self-care plan based on the 4 mental health zones

Promoting the Power of Mental Health through Coaching Practice
You will discover strategies to create psychologically healthy and safe training and competition environments.
You will also develop your ability to create mental health plans and address vulnerable periods in your seasonal or yearly training plans to support mental health.
Define mental health literacy and mental health promotion -
Identify tactics and leadership behaviours to promote mental health -
Respect the UCCMS -
Differentiate supportive and controlling coaching behaviours -
Recognize the components of a sound mental health plan -
Consider mental health needs when designing sport programs
90 Minutes -
Zoom -
Live CCMHS Facilitator -
+2 PD Points/Workshop
45 Minutes -
Online -
Self-Paced Module -
+2 PD Points/Workshop